
One Day Care

  • One Day Care is a one-day surgical service for which the preparation, implementation, and post-surgical recovery time is carried out on the same day.
  • Specifically for children undergoing surgery, the hospital allows one person to accompany the child, starting from preparation to recovery. Note that when the child is about to undergo the procedure, the companion should wait in the waiting room.
  • Outpatient surgical facilities: Outpatient operating room equipped with HEPA air filtration system, Operating Room, including preparation room and treatment room, 1-bed postoperative recovery room
  • Preparing for Surgery: Preoperative fasting. If the procedure is scheduled for morning, fasting is done from midnight. If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, fasting is done from 07:00am, Do not wear make-up or accessories (such as rings, earrings, necklaces, etc.), Do not use nail polish on fingers and toes, Wear loose clothing that is easy to remove
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