
Meniscus Problems and Treatments

Meniscus problem

The meniscus is an important part of the joint structure. When the meniscus is injured or damaged, you may have difficulty using the joint due to symptoms such as pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Knee joint problems commonly occur, especially in the elderly. In younger people, knee joint damage usually occurs due to injury, overweight, or poor posture.

What is the Knee Meniscus?

The knee joint meniscus is a crescent-shaped cartilage attached to the top of the shinbone. Together with the joint lubricating fluid called synovial fluid, this cushion plays a vital role in maintaining joint health so that you can move freely, flexibly, and balance. In medical terms, the knee joint cushion is called the meniscus.

The risk of meniscus injury is quite high. Several factors such as weight, poor posture, heavy activity, and sports increase the risk of injury.

In fact, 50% of all knee injuries are cases of torn meniscus. Even in some cases of ACL injury, meniscus injury is also present. Apart from heavy activity and sports, knee joint cushion problems can also be caused by bone calcification.

The initial symptoms of a tear or calcification in the knee joint are pain when moving the knee and visible swelling. The pain comes from the position of the bones in the knee joint rubbing together when moving, because there is no longer a cushion to restrict them.

Treatment Methods for Meniscus Problems

Treatment methods for knee joint cushion problems can be divided into two methods: self-treatment and medical treatment, depending on the severity.

Self-Treatment Methods

If the level of meniscus injury or cushion calcification is still mild, you can relieve it yourself using the RICE method:

  • Rest. Rest the knee. Light activity can be aided by using crutches to alleviate pain.
  • Ice. Use ice to compress the injured area for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours for 3 days or until the swelling subsides.
  • Compression. Use an elastic bandage to wrap the injured knee. Pressure from wrapping around the knee can reduce swelling.
  • Elevation. Raise the leg higher and use a pillow to prop it up when sitting or lying down. This position can reduce swelling.

This method can also be used as first aid for knee injuries, whether caused by sports or heavy activity.

Medical Treatment Methods

If self-treatment does not reduce pain or other bothersome symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately. An orthopedic specialist will perform a physical examination and proceed with an MRI to get a clear picture of the knee condition. If a torn meniscus is found, the doctor will perform surgery to repair it using minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques.

However, if the knee joint cushion is found to be worn down and the overall knee joint condition has deteriorated significantly, making it unable to function properly, the doctor may recommend partial knee replacement surgery or joint surface replacement surgery called UKA (Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty) or total knee replacement surgery called TKR (Total Knee Replacement).

At Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri, we use high-quality implants with durability lasting for decades to replace damaged knee joints. Supported by advanced technology and experienced knee and hip subspecialists, we help patients recover faster and return to activities. With daily practice schedules, every patient with knee joint cushion problems can receive a quick and effective diagnosis and treatment.

If you want to consult with an orthopedic specialist, don’t hesitate to make an appointment now via WhatsApp Chat, the Book Appointment page, or the Care Doctor app available for download on Google Play and the App Store. In addition to appointments, you can monitor queue numbers and get other complete information there.

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