
4 Treatment Options for Liver Disease

4 Pengobatan Penyakit Liver yang Bisa Jadi Pilihan

Liver disease is a general term for various health issues affecting the liver. The liver plays a crucial role in metabolism, energy storage, and filtering toxins from the bloodstream.

Liver problems can disrupt liver function and, in some cases, become life-threatening. Therefore, early treatment is essential to prevent the condition from worsening and to increase the chances of recovery.

Treatment Options for Liver Disease

The treatment for liver disease depends on the type and severity of the condition. Generally, liver disease can be managed through the following approaches:

1. Lifestyle Changes

One of the primary causes of liver disease is an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, the initial treatment often involves lifestyle modifications and maintaining proper nutrition.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help manage symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing. Some recommended lifestyle changes include:

  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Eating a nutritious diet rich in fiber and limiting saturated fats, refined sugars, and high-sodium foods

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2. Medications

Depending on the type of liver disease, doctors may prescribe specific medications, such as:

  • Antiviral drugs for hepatitis treatment
  • Steroids to reduce liver inflammation
  • Immunosuppressants for autoimmune hepatitis
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antibiotics

Doctors may also prescribe medications to relieve symptoms caused by liver problems, such as anti-itch medications, vitamins, and supplements to support liver health.

3. Surgery

Another treatment option for liver disease is liver resection surgery (hepatectomy). This procedure involves removing a portion of the diseased liver. If a healthy part of the liver remains, up to two-thirds of the liver can be removed, and the remaining portion can regenerate to its original size.

Liver resection is commonly performed on patients with benign liver tumors, precancerous conditions, or liver cancer. Conditions that may require hepatectomy include:

  • Primary liver cancer (cancer originating in the liver)
  • Secondary liver cancer (spread from colorectal cancer)
  • Gallstones
  • Adenoma (benign tumors)
  • Liver cysts

4. Liver Transplant

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure to replace a diseased liver with a healthy liver from a donor. The donor can provide either a partial or whole liver. Most liver transplants come from deceased donors.

However, living donors can also donate a portion of their liver if their blood type is compatible. The remaining liver in the donor’s body will regenerate to its original size within a few weeks.

Liver transplantation is usually recommended for patients with severe liver disease who do not respond to other treatments and whose liver no longer functions properly. This includes individuals with cirrhosis, liver necrosis, hepatitis, and liver cancer.

Early Detection and Prevention

Most liver diseases can be treated if diagnosed early. However, many liver diseases do not show symptoms in the early stages and are often detected only when they have reached an advanced stage.

Early detection is key to successful liver disease treatment. Liver elastography is a highly accurate procedure for detecting liver conditions.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and undergoing regular health check-ups are essential, especially for individuals at high risk. Vaccination can also help prevent certain liver diseases.

Konsultasi dokter mandaya

For consultation and treatment, visit Mandaya Liver Center, where our top liver specialists can provide screening, examinations, and personalized treatment plans.

Use the WhatsApp Chat, Book Appointment, or Care Doctor App (available on Google Play and the App Store) to schedule your visit, check queue numbers, and access complete information easily.


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