
7 Quick Ways to Relieve Back Pain

8 Cara Cepat Menghilangkan Sakit Pinggang

Back pain can be frustrating, especially if it disrupts your daily activities. But don’t worry—there are several quick and easy ways to relieve back pain that you can do even at home.

Quick Ways to Relieve Back Pain

1. Exercise

One of the fastest ways to relieve back pain is by staying active through exercise. Walking, aerobics, yoga, and swimming are great options to help reduce back pain.

Regular daily exercise, including strength training and stretching, helps keep muscles flexible and strong.

Not only can exercise relieve back pain, but it can also prevent future back pain caused by muscle tension.

2. Improve Posture

Another effective way to relieve back pain is by improving your posture. Poor posture can cause back pain, so consider doing exercises like:

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Aerobics
  • Walking/jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling

In addition to these exercises, here are some tips to improve posture:

  • Keep your body upright while sitting, standing, or walking, engaging your core muscles to support posture.
  • Avoid repetitive postures, such as lifting heavy objects or sitting for long periods, as they can lead to back pain.
  • Stand properly and evenly distribute your body weight on both feet.

3. Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises can also help relieve back pain. Some recommended stretches include:

  • Toe Touches: Stand upright, bend forward, and reach for your toes with both hands.
  • Cobra Pose: Lie on your stomach with your hands by your shoulders, then slowly lift your chest, directing your head upward.

Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds or as long as comfortable.

4. Improve Sleep Patterns

According to a study in Scientific Reports, poor long-term sleep patterns can increase the risk of chronic back pain. If you have poor sleep habits, they may be contributing to your back pain.

Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night for optimal health.

5. Reduce Pressure on Your Back While Sleeping

Sleeping on your back can put pressure on your spine. To alleviate this, elevate your knees by placing a pillow under them while you sleep.

If you prefer sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your knees to reduce pressure on your back.

6. Optimize Your Workstation

Another way to relieve back pain is by setting up your workstation properly. A well-arranged workspace can help reduce back pain and prevent injuries.

Ensure your computer or laptop screen is at eye level and that your chair is at the right height.

For those who lift heavy objects at work, it’s important to use the correct posture. Squat down and use your legs to lift rather than your back. If the object is too heavy, ask for help or use a trolley.

7. Apply Pain Relief Cream

Pain relief creams, available at pharmacies and online, can provide temporary relief from back pain.

These creams typically contain menthol, which creates a cooling sensation that helps soothe back pain.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics found that applying menthol to the skin can reduce pain receptor sensitivity. However, excessive use of menthol may increase sensitivity to pain.

Consult a doctor before using any pain relief cream to ensure safe and effective usage.

When to See a Doctor

Most cases of back pain improve on their own within a few weeks. However, you should see a doctor if:

  • Your back pain does not improve after home treatment for a few weeks.
  • The pain interferes with your daily activities.
  • The pain is severe or worsens over time.
  • You are worried about your back pain or find it difficult to manage.

Want to learn more ways to relieve back pain? Or have other questions about back pain? Visit the Orthopedic & Movement Center at Mandaya. This specialized center is equipped with the latest medical technology and a team of specialist doctors to help address your concerns.

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