dr. Wiwi Widjaya Chandra, SpKK
Speciality | Dermatovenerology |
Location | Mandaya Royal Puri |
Language Spoken | English, Indonesia |
Gallery Doctor
Educational Background
- Dokter Umum, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
- Dokter Spesialis Dermatovenereology, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
Courses & Trainings
- Conggress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Spain
- Mismanaged casess in dermatology, Banten
- Workshop LGBT and it’s problems, Banten
- Regional conference of dermatology, Surabaya
- Cadaver workshop of filler, botox and threadlift, Surabaya
- International dermatology aesthetic surgery summit, Hongkong
- Asia Pacific meeting of experts in dermatology, Hongkong
- World conggress of dermatology and aesthetic surgery, ISDS annual meeting, Bangkok, Thailand
- Simposium all about acne, Jakarta
- Workshop blepharoplasty, Semarang
- Round table discussion: Manajemen dermatomikosis, akne vulgaris dan Psoriasis, Jakarta
- Simposium Structural approach to aesthetic rejuvenation, Jakarta
- New horizon in cosmetic dermatology, Jakarta
- Simposium dan workshop: Dermoskopi tumor kulit
- Workshop basic skin surgery, Padang
- Workshop liposuction under tumescent anaesthesia, Padang
- Workshop modifikasi sedot lemak dan kuretase menggunakan anestesi tumesen untuk penanganan bromhidrosis, Solo
- Simposium dan workshop kegawatdaruratan dan deteksi dini dalam bidang dermatovenereologi, Jakarta
- Master course in liposuction and autologous fat transfer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Master course on recent advances of liposuction and clinical application of autologous fat transfer, Singapore
- MCAS Asia, Singapore
- Estetik
- Laser
- Bedah kulit
- Konsultasi Kulit dan Kelamin
- Pengangkatan Kutil
- Pengobatan Melasma
- Perawatan Luka Bakar