dr. Maruto Harjanggi, BSc(Hons), Sp.U, FICS

Speciality | Urology |
Location | Mandaya Royal Puri |
Language Spoken | English |
Rating:(average: 5 out of 5. Total: 4) |
Patient Satisfaction Reviews | 4 Patient Comment |
Gallery Doctor
Educational Background
- Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University – Newcastle, United Kingdom
- Medical Doctor, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) – Jakarta, Indonesia
- Urology Specialist, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (RSCM/FKUI) – Jakarta, Indonesia
- Diplôme d’université de chirurgie laparoscopique (University Diploma of Laparoscopic Surgery), Université de Strasbourg – Strasbourg, France
Courses & Trainings
- Microsurgery Course in Urology, ICTEC – Jakarta, Indonesia
- Laparoscopic Urological Surgery Intensive Course, IRCAD – France
- School of Sexual Medicine, European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) – Budapest, Hungary
- Certificate Course in Andrology, Society for Men’s Health Singapore (SMHS) – Singapore
- Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
- Advanced Trauma Life Support
- Basic Endourology and Urological Procedural Skills Course, ICTEC
- Master Class Sexology Indonesia, Indonesia
- Does varicocele repair improve conventional semen parameters? A meta-analytic study of before-after data, Accepted in The World Journal of Men’s Health, [Q1] (2023)
- Mean platelet volume as a predictive marker for organic erectile dysfunction : A meta-analysis, Published in International Journal of Impotence Research, Nature Publishing Groups [Q2] (2022). Authors: Nur Rasyid, Maruto Harjanggi, Ponco Birowo, Widi Atmoko
- Disfungsi ereksi pasca reseksi prostat transuretra (TURP) pada pasien dengan gejala saluran kemih bagian bawah di RSUD Koja, Jakarta. Published in Indonesian Journal of Urology (JURI), 2021. Authors: Maruto Harjanggi, Waluyo Eko S
- Radikal Nefrektomi pada Karsinoma Sel Renal dengan Trombus Vena: Perlukah Pemasangan Filter Vena Cava Inferior?. Authors: Maruto Harjanggi, Chaidir A Mochtar
- Blood Loss Predictive Factors and Transfusion Practice During Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy of Kidney Stones: A Prospective Study. Published in F1000 research (2016). Authors: Firtantyo Adi Syahputra, Ponco Birowo, Nur Rasyid, Faisal Abdi Matondang, Endrika Noviandrini, Maruto Harjanggi
- Effect of Cystone® on Urinary Tract Stone Clearance after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Authors: Maruto Harjanggi, Ponco Birowo, Nur Rasyid, Endrika Noviandrini
- Vesical Endometriosis: a Case Report. Poster presentation in Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Urological Association (2016). Authors: Maruto Harjanggi, Ponco Birowo
- Disruption of clc-5 leads to a redistribution of annexin A2 in cells of the collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule of a Dent’s Disease.The Physiological Society Meeting
- Proceeding Physiological Society Meeting, London 2011. Authors: R. Ngadze, Harjanggi M, J. A. Sayer, Simmons N.L., Guggino S.E., Carr G.
- Role of clc-5 in Kidney Stone Formation
- Pagelaran Penelitian Terbaik FKUI 2011. Presenter: Maruto Harjanggi
- Evaluation on sensitivity and specificity of rapid test SD Bioline Dengue NS-1 Antigen and Antibody Combo compared to day of fever onset and Dengue serotypes
- Poster presentation KPPIK FKUI 2012. Authors: Risca Marcelena, Maruto Harjanggi, Lidwina Anissa, Adeline Pasaribu, Tiffany Christina, Irvan Desrizal
- Evaluasi Sensitivitas dan Spesifisitas Rapid Test Bioline Dengue Duo NS-1 Antigen and Antibody Combo untuk Diagnosis Infeksi Virus Dengue
- Jurnal MEDIKA Indonesia (2013). Authors: Risca Marcelena, Maruto Harjanggi, Lidwina Anissa, Adeline Pasaribu, Tiffany Christina, Irvan Desrizal, Leonard Nainggolan, Beti Ernawati Dewi
- Disease Surveillance after Pandeglang Flood Disaster 2011
- Liga Medika Science 2011. Authors: T.M. Haykal Putra, Maruto Harjanggi, Syahniar Mukmina, Carolina Sinurat, Ponco Birowo
- { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "none", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "bestRating": "5", "ratingCount": "4", "ratingValue": "5" }, "image": "https://mandayahospitalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/dr-maruto.png", "name": "dr. Maruto Harjanggi, BSc(Hons), Sp.U, FICS", "description": "dr. Maruto Harjanggi, BSc(Hons), Sp.U, FICS" }
- Kidney stone removal / urinary tract stone surgery
- Minimally invasive surgery (endoscopic/laparoscopic)
- Uro-andrology (male infertility, sexual health, erectile dysfunction, etc.)
- Prostate surgery (Robotic biopsy, TURP, etc.)
- Cystoscopy
- Robotic Prostate Biopsy
- Vasectomy
- Circumcision
- Bladder tumor removal (endoscopic / TURBT)
- Urinary incontinence
Reviewed on Nov 1, 2024
Dokter yang sangat sangat baik, benar benar service oriented, pelayanan dan penjelasannya sangat baik.
Terima kasih banyak dok sudah sangat membantu para pasien.
Terus menjadi berkat dan diberkati dok.
Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
Super baik, ramah, menjelaskan hasil pemeriksaan dan rencana tindakan dengan detail dan dengan bahasa yang menenangkan pasien dan keluarga. Thx for Very excellent service and treatment for my dad dokter
Reviewed on Aug 7, 2023
Excellent urologist and a very kind person, a combination any patient would want in a doctor. Detailed and thorough when explaining the treatment I needed to have during initial consultation. Had RIRS to remove 0.75 cm kidney stone and removal of stent performed by him. Skilled and knowledgeable in the latest technology needed for the procedure. Procedure took 1 hour, kept overnight and was discharged the next afternoon after visitation. Before being discharged he went over and showed evidence of the successful procedure and advised me on how to maintain a stone free kidney. Very professional and meticulous in his approach to taking care of the patient. Hospital’s services was excellent too during my stay and the food is restaurant standard.
Reviewed on Aug 6, 2023
An excellent urologist and a very kind person as well, a combination any patient would want in a doctor.
Detailed and thorough in explaining what treatment I needed to have during initial consultation.
Had RIRS to remove a 0.75 cm kidney stone and removal of DJ stent performed by him.
Very skilled and knowledgeable with the latest technology available for the procedure.
Procedure done in 1 hour, kept overnight for monitoring and was discharged the very next afternoon after visitation with no complications whatsoever.
Before being discharged he explained how the procedure went, showed evidence of the successful procedure and educated me how to maintain a stone free kidney.
Very responsible and professional in his approach towards taking care of his patients.
Hospital is excellent as well with its services during my short stay and the food is restaurant quality.