dr. Epistel Pangujian Simatupang, Sp.PD-KGEH

Speciality | Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine sub. Gastroenterohepatology |
Location | Mandaya Royal Puri |
Language Spoken | Indonesia |
Educational Background
- Majoring in Biology, Universitas Advent Indonesia, Bandung
- Adventist University of the Philippines, Philippines, finished Bachelor of Science in Biology
- College of Medicine, Manila Central University, Philippines, finished Doctor of Medicine
- Residency training in Internal Medicine, Manila Adventist Medical Center & School of Medical Arts, Philippines
- Fellowship training in Gastroenterology, Manila Central University Hospital, Philippines
- Fellow, American College of Physician
- Diplomate and Fellow, Philippine College of Physician
- Fellow, Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine
- Recipient of 2013 Presidential Award of the Philippine College of Physician
- Dean’s list of outstanding medical students for 4 consecutive years 1993-1997
- Champion of 1994 medical student quiz contest
- Receiver of 1997 Dr. Filemon D. Tanchoco award
- Apendikogram
- Bedah Saluran Cerna
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
- Endoskopi
- Endoskopi dengan kapsul
- Esofagoskopi
- Foto Rontgen Kolon
- Gastroskopi
- Kolonoskopi
- Konsultasi Penyakit Liver
- Operasi Angkat Kandung Empedu
- Operasi Angkat Kandung Empedu dengan Laparoskopi
- Operasi Polip Usus