Cathlab Mandaya Hospital Karawang melayani:
1. Pemeriksaan angiografi pembuluh darah jantung dan pembuluh darah tepi
2. Balonisasi jantung koroner
3. Pemasangan stent jantung dan pembuluh darah tepi.
Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas Cathlab terbaru dan canggih. Serta didukung oleh tim medis terbaik yang profesional & berpengalaman.
Catheter Laboratory (Cath Lab)
Diagnostic Heart Testing and Evaluations
One of the following tests may be recommended help pinpoint an underlying heart condition:
Left Heart Cath: An X-ray examination of the coronary arteries. A catheter is placed into the coronary arteries and the pumping chambers of the heart.
Right and Left Heart Cath: An X-ray examination of the coronary arteries. A catheter is placed into the coronary arteries to assess the arteries and the pumping chambers of the heart. Another catheter is inserted into the venous side of the heart, to measure pressures and oxygen saturation to determine valve gradients, shunts and valve prolapse.
Runoff: An X-ray examination of the peripheral arteries. A catheter is placed into the inferior vena cava (IVC) to access the peripheral arteries.
Interventional Heart Procedures
One of the following procedures may be recommended to help unblock an artery or correct an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia):
Cardiac Stent: A small wire mesh tube (stent) is inserted into a blocked artery to restore blood flow to the heart muscle.
Cardioversion: A procedure to convert irregular heart rhythms to normal rhythms through use of a well-controlled and perfectly time electrical shock to the chest wall.
Directional Coronary Atherectomy: The use of a cutting device to remove a blockage in an artery.
Implantable Event Recorder: A tiny recorder is implanted beneath the chest wall to provide up to 14-months of monitoring for cardiac rhythm disturbances.
Pacemaker Implant: A generator and heart leads implanted in the chest to electronically prompt the heart to beat in rhythm.
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA): The use of a balloon catheter placed in the coronary artery to open a blockage of the artery.
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA): The use of a balloon catheter placed in the coronary artery to open a blockage of the artery.