
6 Ways to Perform Breast Self-Examination (BSE) for Breast Cancer Detection

6 Cara Melakukan SADARI untuk Deteksi Kanker Payudara

Delayed breast cancer diagnosis increases the risk of advanced-stage cancer, which can limit treatment responses and survival rates. Therefore, it is crucial for women to understand how to perform BSE and practice it regularly to detect breast cancer as early as possible, ensuring the best treatment options.

How to Perform BSE for Breast Cancer Detection

BSE, or Breast Self-Examination, is a method of examining the breasts independently. The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) encourages every woman to perform BSE regularly to detect lumps or other abnormalities in the breast.

Here are the steps to perform BSE, ideally 7-10 days after menstruation:

  1. Stand upright and observe any changes in breast shape, skin surface, swelling, or nipple changes. If one breast appears asymmetrical compared to the other, do not worry, as this is considered normal.
  2. Raise both arms above your head, bend your elbows, and place your hands behind your head. Push your elbows forward and observe the breasts. Then, push your elbows backward and check the shape and size of your breasts.
  3. Place both hands on your waist, lean your shoulders forward so that your breasts hang, and push your elbows forward while tightening (contracting) your chest muscles.
  4. Raise your left arm, bend your elbow so that your left hand touches your upper back. Use your right hand to feel and press the breast area, covering the entire breast and armpit region. Perform an up-and-down motion, a circular motion, and a sweeping motion from the outer breast toward the nipple and vice versa. Repeat on the other breast.
  5. Gently squeeze both nipples and check for any discharge. If any fluid is discharged, consult a doctor immediately.
  6. Lie down, place a pillow under your right shoulder, and raise your right arm. Examine your right breast using the same three motion techniques as before. Press all areas of the breast, including the armpit region, using your fingertips.

Signs of Breast Cancer to Watch Out For

Below are some symptoms of breast cancer that you should be aware of:

  • The presence of a lump in the breast or thickened skin different from the surrounding tissue
  • Nipples appearing flat or inverted
  • Changes in breast skin color (for lighter skin tones, the breast may appear pink or red, while for darker skin tones, the affected area may appear darker, red, or purple)
  • Changes in breast size, shape, or appearance
  • Skin texture changes on the breast, such as dimpling or an orange peel-like texture
  • Peeling or hardening of breast skin

When to Seek Medical Help

If you notice any of the above symptoms while performing BSE, consult a doctor immediately. If you are looking for the best breast cancer treatment center in Indonesia, visit the Mandaya Breast Advanced Cancer Center (BRAVE) at Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri.

Mandaya Breast Lump & Cancer Center is equipped with advanced medical technology to help diagnose and treat breast cancer cases. Additionally, BRAVE is supported by an experienced team of specialists, including Dr. Sara Ester Triatmoko, Sp.B.P.R.E., Subsp.M.O. (K), Dr. Abdul Rahman, SpB, Subsp.Onk (K), and Dr. Enos H. Siburian, Sp.B (K) Onk.

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