dr. Toman T.J Lumban Toruan, Sp.PD-KHOM

Spesialis | Penyakit Darah & Onkologi Medik, Onkologi |
Lokasi | Mandaya Royal Puri |
Bahasa | Indonesia, English |
Gallery Doctor
Educational Background
- Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indoneisa
- Hematology – Medical Oncology, RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Fakultas Kedokteran, University Indonesia
- Honorary Fellowship (Clinical Observership), Department of Hematology, National University Hospital
Courses & Trainings
- Comprehensive Board Review in Hematology- Medical Oncology MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
- ESH-EHA Haematological Tutorial Diagnostic Work-up focus on Acute malignancies, Cascais, Portugal
- Asian Oncology Summit, Singapore
- Roche Expert Meeting(s),Bali, Indonesia
- Bridging the Gap, Hematologic Malignancies Simposium, Singapore
- Asian Oncology Summit, Bali, Indonesia
- Pfizer Regional Meeting on Antibiotic, Qingdao, China
- Roche Asian Oncology Forum,Bali, Indonesia
- 6th Asia Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Bali, Indonesia
- Bridging the Gap 2, Hematologic Malignancy Simposium, Singapore
- Asian Oncology Summit, Hongkong
- Bayer Investigator Meeting on Rivaroxaban (Final Result), Hongkong
- International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Annual Meeting, Kyoto
- World Conference on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Asian Perspective, Seoul
- The 53th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, USA
- American Society of Hematology Meeting on Asia, Singapore
- European Hematology Association Annual Meeting, Amsterdam
- Lymphoma and Myeloma; International Congress on Hematologic Malignancies New York, USA
- ESMO/ECCO Annual Meeting, Amsterdam
- International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma, Cologne
- International Cancer Congress on Breast, Colon, and Prostate, Madrid\
- American Society of Hematology Meeting on Asia, Singapore
- The 39th ESMO Meeting, Madrid
- The 2nd International Meeting on Myeloma, Athens
- The 56th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Fransisco, USA
- The 14th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference, Vienna
- Best ASCO Meeting, Singapore
- Advanced Breast Cancer Third International Consensus Conference-ABC3, Lisbon,Portugal
- The 57th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, USA
- ESMO Asia 2015 Congress, Singapore
- The 42nd Annual Meeting of The European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Valencia, Spain
- The 20th Training Course on Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Budapest, Hungary
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
- Pfizer Regional Meeting on Antibiotics, Hongkong
- ESMO Asia 2016 Congress, Singapore
- Highlight of ASH in Asia, Hongkong
- Clinical Updates in Myeloma, Paris
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
- Society of Hematologic Oncology Annual Meeting, Houston, USA
- World Conference of Lung Cancer, Yokohama, Japan
- ESMO Asia 2017 Congress, Singapore
- Highlight of ASH in Asia, Bali, Indonesia
- ESMO Asia, Singapore
- The 60th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, USA
- The 6th Asia Pacific Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium, Singapore
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
- The 15th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma, Lugano, SwitzerlandThe 17th International Myeloma Workshop, Boston , USA
- The ESMO Congress, Barcelona, Spain
- Kemoterapi
- Imunoterapi
- Target Terapi
- Bone Marrow Transplant
- Car T Cell Teraphy